
We are here to help

Once you join the School Website family you will partner with our team of online experts. We understand the web and work tirelessly to ensure the online experience of customers is as easy as possible.

There is no fee for most support work we do for customers.  We do not like to 'nickel and dime' our partners.  We will often not charge anything if the job is just a quick one (e.g.. takes less than 15-30 minutes).  And we are usually more generous with our time for customers who only rarely put in support requests.

In some cases we do charge for our time. Typically this occurs when we need to spend more than 30 minutes on a task.  Particularly where the customer just wishes to delegate some work to us (when they are too busy to do it themselves). Where we think the task is going to incur a charge we will let you know before surprises!

Any questions? Contact us
